Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CPS Poster Child

My sister Lora took this picture of Madilyn during the 4th of July weekend. I just think it's such a funny picture. The pitiful face she can make just makes me laugh. It's just so dang cute. The other thing that I find funny is the dead beat mom in the background taking a nap. It doesn't seem to phase her a bit. It looks like Madilyn's doing a public service announcement for CPS. :) LOL


  1. She just makes you feel so bad for her

  2. The only thing that could have made that picture worse was if you had an empty bottle of vodka next to you! Then that little pitful face Madilyn has on would be justified and our hearts really would be breaking for her. As it is we can't feel sorry for her no matter how sad she looks, we all know she has a great mom that SHE has worn out!

  3. I love that it looks like you are tanning in the background. . .

    as if to say, "kiss it madilyn. i have better things to do."
