Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This year we spent Halloween in SJ. It was so much fun being with everyone. We first started with the town Halloween parade where all the children walk around town and down main street showing off their costumes. Afterwards we ended up at the park for hotdogs and playing. Madilyn tried the swings for the first time and absolutely loved them.

Do you like the antennas??
I loved the back of this costume. Everytime she bent over her little butt would look so cute. :)

Later on that night we went tricker treating with Aunt Lora. It was great we made bank on candy. Madilyn was a huge hit with her costume and cuteness, which produce more candy. Lora and I felt like little kids again on Halloween. We had planned just to go around the block, but ended up being out for 1 1/2 hours.

When we got back from trick or treating Kyle, Candice, and Cord Whiting thought it would be fun to dress up and scare the kids that came to the door. It actually was a lot of fun watching the kids get so scared they would run screaming from our door. Oh the joys of scaring little children. Waahahaha!! We ended the night watching scary movies. A perfect way to end a wonderful holiday like Halloween. :)

Kyle as the "Mask", Candice as the "Witch", and Cord as the "Bull"

1 comment:

  1. So you just made me so happy for a number of reasons:
    1. Your darling little girl is one of the cutest little lady bugs I've ever seen.
    2. 99% of the candy is all for you :)
    3. It's January and your last post is from November (I get so much grief from everyone, it's refreshing to see someone else with my issues - seriously my past couple of entries are mini novels because I've been a little preoccupied as of late and don't update nor check anyone else's blogs!)
    4. Your WAHAHAHA made me giggle
